Special Interest Groups

ZDN UK > Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Group Committees

ZDN members shall elect Special Interest Group committees at a Special Interest level. Such Committees shall have authority over all activities of ZDN for the designated Special Interest Group save the National Executive Committee shall have ultimate control and authority over Special Sector Committees.


All Special Interest sectors shall be represented by an appropriate committee comprising the following: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and Vice Secretary.

The Special Interest Group Committees shall be accountable to the National Executive Committee

Special Interest Group Objectives

  • To translate the policies of ZDN into activities relevant to the member organizations operating in the Region.
  • To form sub-committees in the interest of the member organizations.
  • To raise funds for Special Sector programmes.
  • To articulate the interest of the member organizations.
  • To propose potential Special Sector Activities on which Special Interest Group programmes can be based.
  • To liaise with the Zimbabwean Government Ministries relevant to Special Interest Group activities.
  • To identify networking needs of the Special Interest Group.
  • To meet every regularly to consider the programmes in execution.
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